Proverbs 31:10-31
We return to King Lemuel’s conversation with his mother and focus on an often referred to scripture regarding the Proverbs 31 Woman. Reading scripture using the original Biblical language can make it difficult to give application to our modern circumstances. I will attempt to do that in the following dissection of this amazing passage of scripture.
Verse 10: She is more precious than rubies.
Although self-explanatory, the scripture suggests that this woman is not easily found. Precious stones are graded by their quality, rarity, aesthetics, and color. Rubies are one of four precious stones, sharing the category with the sapphire, the emerald, and of course, the diamond. The ruby also depicts passion and protection and has several biblical references signifying beauty and wisdom.
From this we gather that a virtuous woman is rare, protective, wise, beautiful, and highly valued above rubies.
Verse 11: Her husband can trust her, and she enriches his life.
This verse touches upon her trustworthy nature. In a modern sense, a virtuous woman can be trusted with finances, responsibilities, but most of all trusted to protect the integrity of her husband. This brings edification to his existence. Adversely if a woman can not be trusted, the man’s life starts to deteriorate. Have you ever heard a group of women tear down their husbands behind his back or spend finances that stress the household?
That woman is not virtuous and is not enriching to anyone’s life.
Verse 12: She brings him good and not harm all the days of his life.
When we love someone, their words represent power. The worst thing a woman ca do is attack the character of their husband. Conflict and disagreements can be healthy, but insults, threats, verbal abuse, and name calling start to erode at the core of a man.
Verses 13-15: Represents her industrious and preparatory nature and love for her household.
The virtuous woman brings home the bacon and fries it up in a pan. She is not concerned with the confusion of roles. She works to help ensure the success of her home by making sure the supplies are replenished, preparing meals, and planning the schedule of the household.
A virtuous woman makes sure her house is prepared, her loved ones fed, and she rises early to do so. If you are sleeping in, failing to coordinate the activities of your home, and not preparing meals, you may not be as virtuous as you once thought.
Verses 16-22
These scriptures continue to highlight the industrious nature of a virtuous woman. She assures her house is prepared for the winter seasons, she has a giving and empathetic spirit toward the poor, and her business dealings are smart and profitable.
Verse 22b: She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns.
A virtuous woman adorns herself when traveling in public. It is this outward display of beauty that also brings respect to her household. The scripture does not state that she is alluring or craving the attention of others. A virtuous woman knows her worth and knows how she represents her household and therefore holds herself in high regard.
Verses 23-27:
Because of all the verses previously written, it states that her husband is well known in the gates. Because of her industrious nature, preparedness, outward beauty, and caring for the poor, she has given her husband a great name for himself. The positive attention she draws to herself causes one to brag about how blessed her husband is. It goes on to say that she speaks in wisdom, that she is happy and known for her laughter, and does not get anxious about what the future holds because she has worked to secure it.
Verses 28-31
She is complimented by her husband and children, and they are constantly singing her praises. It outlines a message that is perhaps meant for men as it says beauty will fade and charm can be misleading, but a Godly woman should be respected and praised.
a. Are you rare and does the way you carry yourself display your self-worth?
b. Can you be trusted with finances, household affairs, and family responsibilities?
c. Are you edifying to your husband and his reputation when he is not in your presence?
Do your actions bring him peace?
d. Do you disagree without being disagreeable? Do you avoid insulting, threatening, and
belittling your husband?
e. Are you a diligent worker? Do you ensure that meals are prepared for your household and that supplies are replenished in preparation for the upcoming hard seasons and hardships? Is your house orderly?
f. Do you dress in a manner that shows respect to your husband and does not cause him embarrassment or the attention of other men?
· Now ask your husband or future husband to answer these questions about you.
That the Lord helps to instill the characteristics of a virtuous woman. Ask that your words and actions are always edifying to your husband and your household. Ask that he shows you to adorn yourself in high esteem in action and appearance.
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