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Dr. Darren DuBose, Sr

Bad Energy

Good morning, have you ever really given thought to what you expose yourself to? Energy is transferable as is attitudes and mindset. Many believe that humans can experience the negative feelings of those close to them, therefore adopting that same negativity. These empathic people tend to be overburdened by the problems of others.

There are three things you must avoid to not be consumed by negativity. The first is, of course, negative people. People who always look at the glass as half empty tend to have an overall negative outlook towards everything. Individuals like this will make their mole hills into mountains and drag you along. Many times we have no idea we have been affected until we are emotionally and physically drained.

The second thing to avoid is negative environments. These environments can be emotionally or physically in a negative state. An office filled with disgruntled workers will eventually rub off on to you. Some environments hold negative memories because of past trauma. You must avoid these places at all cost. Disorganized and cluttered environments have been proven to increase stress levels and cause sleep issues. The mind takes a snapshot of the disorder and perseverates on it causing uneasiness and emotional disruption.

Finally, we must avoid negative self talk. Whatever you verbalize, you manifest. If you say you can't, you won't. If you affirm that the day will be horrible rest assured that events will fall into place to satisfy your premonition. People who engage in negative self talk are more susceptible to colds, depression, and heart issues. Positive people actually have better cardiovascular health and live longer.

Before you set out today check yourself and your energy first. Then ensure you are heading towards positive people in a positive environment. The choice is really yours. Have a great positive day!

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