Why do many of us refuse to accept the growth and maturation of others?

I’m pretty sure most of us can look back and see growth in areas of our lives. As we age, our perspectives and responsibilities evolve, and we mature accordingly. An individual who made mistakes at the age of twenty-five should not be continuously reminded of those mistakes into their forties.
You must realize that there are some advantages to people reminding you of your failures. First, it makes them feel better about their own lack of growth and maturity. Remember misery loves company. These are the same people who will encourage you to participate in many of the practices you have fought to untangle yourself from.
These individuals also develop a sense of superiority over you when they “know where the bodies are buried” so to speak. They will induce a forced humility upon you by never letting you forget where you came from.
However, It is our fault if we continue to subject ourselves to individuals who do not cheer us on as we grow. Change is equivalent to death, and they are mourning the person to whom they have become accustomed. It is almost as if they are burying a friend, but those who are true friends will not only embrace but encourage your journey toward improvement.
However, you will quickly notice that your circle will get smaller as friends fall by the wayside. Do not be discouraged by those who do not stick with you throughout your journey because their presence will quickly become weights that slow your journey.
Airplanes are closely monitored for weight capacity as heavy loads will decrease the plane's speed, ability to accelerate, ability to ascend, and ability to land safely.
That is what happens when you decide to stay involved with those who attempt to box you in; they are affecting your ascension forward and upwards. These dream killers are like vampires who latch on and attempt to suck out your hopes and aspirations.
So, your charge is to continue to improve and seek to be better on a daily basis; rather than allowing your regrets to be used as a weapon, use them as motivators. Ignore those who seek to belittle your accomplishments.
“Our willingness to downplay our maturation in order to avoid disrupting others as they wade in waters of mediocrity is a discredit to the knowledge we have gained through our mistakes and the hard work we have put forth to grow and experience the manifestation of our experiences and knowledge. We must never dim our light so that others can feel comfortable.”
Dr. Darren L. DuBose Sr.
Excellent Commentary