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Dr. Darren DuBose, Sr


Good Morning 3M!

As I was driving into work today, I was thinking that we actually do command our day by commanding our thinking. Time Magazine has an entire issue dedicated to the power of positive thought. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) believes that how a person perceives a situation will determine their feelings and emotions. In other words, if you believe it’s going to be a bad day, your body will start to experience negative emotions such as anxiety and sadness. “As a man thinks in their heart so is he.” In contrast, positive thinkers are more successful, more productive, have better focus, and make better use of your time. And to be honest they are probably just more fun to be around. I am very conscious to be thankful for things on a daily basis. I am thankful that those that I love are still alive and healthy, thankful for the sunshine, and thankful for a mind that is relatively sound 😊

So how are you commanding your day? Do you start your day worrying about the bills and what you have to do at work? Or do you start the day just being thankful? I would never disavow the fact that being a “grown up” in today’s society is challenging, we can talk forever about gas and grocery prices, but what good does that do?

I challenge you to start your day with 10 affirmations. If you find this difficult it may indicate that your way of thinking needs to change. The affirmations don’t have to be big; they just need to be positive. I am challenging you to truly command your day. When I say “make it a great day” I want you to make it a great day! Remember “changed minds change lives”.

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