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Dr. Darren DuBose, Sr


To say it plainly, some things should only serve as reminders of the commitments that we have previously made. Think about it, if you have obtained discipline towards whatever you have committed to, you anticipate your morning alarm clock or actually don't need it. The things you have committed to remain in the backdrop and snoozing or sleeping in does not become an option. Regardless if you are remotely working,  you have set an expectation that you will be available at a certain time.

If you have committed to exercise however unpleasant, the way you have disciplined your body causes it to yearn for and expect the regular physical rigors.

However, if you rely on outside motivation versus discipline and commitment you will always struggle in every aspect of your life. For instance,  if the only reason you fight to wake up for work is fear of getting fired or fear of not getting paid, you have missed an opportunity to develop a sense of duty.

Those that seek external motivational factors will struggle with consistency. 

It is extremely easy for weight loss to be the root of our motivation to exercise.  However, if you lack discipline,  eventually the excuses will overpower the motivation.  Suddenly you don’t have enough time or room to complete the tasks and you are right back where you started.

Motivation is a fleeting emotion but discipline and commitment aren't ruled by emotion and therefore are not optional.

Unfortunately our lack of discipline is reflective in every area of our lives. Stop for a moment and think of how many unfinished projects you have around the house. That's because you were riding the wave of motivation instead of developing the spirit of discipline. Discipline causes you to create systems that ensure you meet your commitments.  Discipline causes you to schedule and order your life so it operates like a well trained military unit.

From wake up time to recreation time, there is no question of what task is being navigated. These people are the easiest to find because they operate with such a regimen. These people also set boundaries around their schedule; others know they can't bother Joe at this time because he is studying or at the gym.

Lack of discipline breeds disorder and produces stress and chaos. It is time for you to become disciplined.

Stop accepting excuses

Be proactive so your life is not filled with reactivity

Finish what you start or don’t start it

Schedule and commit to that schedule

Ensure that those around you respect your boundaries and commitments, get them in line

We can no longer live life by the seat of our pants. Successful people are not suprised by anything on their schedule and have the discipline to complete it daily without wavering.

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