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Dr. Darren DuBose, Sr


The word "fan" which is an abbreviated version of fanatic is defined as a person with an obsessive interest in and an enthusiasm for something especially an activity, religion, or political cause. A word that is often used flippantly for sports fans traverses any cause or condition. We often casually joke with and about sports fanatics as we watch their visceral, enthusiastic, and depressing reactions to their team's success or lack thereof. However, we may gloss over the obsession and the violence that stems from one being a fanatic.

Research has discovered that heightened indicators of fanaticism in participants has caused them to display aggressive and/or violent actions and a willingness toward extremism and a willingness to join groups that represent their intense views. Research also showed that individuals manifested a threat response that was gauged upon the potency of the opposing opinion. In other words, the intensity of someone with an opposing view equated to the person feeling threatened.

The issue is exacerbated when an individual has a diminished sense of self concept. This can derive from socioeconomic status, IQ, upbringing, etc. Research in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology indicates that people who feel a lack of autonomy in their lives are more likely to prefer cultures that impose strict order. So, the fanatics and extremists who have pledged an immutable allegiance to a political party, a political personality, a religious leader, or even a musical performer in many cases lacks the intestinal fortitude to be an independent thinker and finds comfort in being controlled. Research has shown that individuals who lack personal control and authenticity were in favor of rewarding those who joined their movement and punishing those who broke from the crowd. In essence they feel that loyalty to their obsession should be celebrated while those that do not agree or hold a different view should be punished.

It may not be a popular opinion, but political leaders and religious leaders have mastered the phenomenon of recruiting individuals that want someone to think for them or want to be lead. This has evolved into a cult-like mentality that is enforced by the leader. The danger involved in that is these individuals will often accept whatever is presented to them by their leader as gospel. Many do not realize their exclusive and negative reactions toward those with differing political views, different religious beliefs, or those who choose to separate from the pack. I admittedly have attended a meeting where a religious leader has instructed his leadership to sever communication with a parishioner that has decided to leave the church. We all see the media outlets as they show Donald Trump energizing his fanatical followers to harass and give death threats to prominent Black District Attorneys such as, Fani Willis and Letitia James.

The fanatical base of the Buffalo Bills issued death threats to their place kicker after missing a tying field goal in the divisional round of the playoffs. As Hank Aaron closed in on Babe Ruth’s homerun record, he received death threats. Deebo Samuels from the San Francisco 49ers has received death threats and racially derogatory correspondences.

Of course, not all fanatics are obsessed, dangerous, or violent, but the concept is something that we you should consider as we navigate our highly volatile society. There are those that still possess passionate opposing views as far as race is concerned and if you are not “woke” enough you will not realize that there is an attempt to return the country to a Jim Crow Era. Remember, that some are pushed toward violence and cruel attacks when encountering someone with a different view. So, do not simply brush off the fact that there may be potential for an aggressive situation at every turn.

We are not all enthusiastic about the same things, but we are all enthusiastic about something.

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Love this! You are speaking the truth


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