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Dr. Darren DuBose, Sr


We have always been taught to sit at the feet of those older so we can receive their transfer of wisdom. Those who came before us have always been seen as the measurement of knowledge. It was instilled in us to make sure our elders influence us to be successful and even more remarkable than they could have ever hoped.

Well, in my opinion, this has become an antiquated ideology. Don't get me wrong; I still believe some from the older generations have a lot to offer. What I am saying is, I have met some old fools! I have discovered that age does not equate with wisdom, and you must be extremely careful who you allow to speak or pour into you. The loudest one in the room is seldom the most intelligent, and I'd venture to say that the introverts carry the most knowledge and will only offer their opinion if asked.

Remember, it's the empty container that makes the most noise.

Memorizing useless facts and regurgitating them while steering the conversation in your direction does not display wisdom. It shows a fear that sharing the stage will display your lack of knowledge and confidence. These old fools will essentially make you an actor in their charade as you continue to sip the kool-aid. The expertise and instructions they offer can not be trusted because you will never be able to tell the difference between the truth and their fabricated facade.

Just like we interview a new job candidate or date our potential spouse, we must do the same with those we allow to influence us.

Have they produced real fruit? No, I don't mean money and property. Do they have the fruit of lifelong friendships? Does their family love them? Do people really enjoy being around them? Have they been a positive influence on others?

We too often listen because someone talks but do they really have anything to offer?

When you reach a certain age, you begin to realize that your time is precious. I'm not saying every interaction has to be a lesson, but I am saying you should never leave an exchange without feeling edified in some way. One of the worst feelings is feeling like you have just wasted your time.

Choose your influences wisely.

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Cat DuBose
Cat DuBose
Aug 09, 2022

Love this!


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