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Dr. Darren DuBose, Sr


Take a moment and think back to everything you did to get your job. Your resume, your interview, and even your first 90 days of employment were flawless. You may have arrived early and stayed late, volunteered for committees, or done whatever you could do to represent the perfect employee. Ultimately that level of tenacity decreased as you became comfortable and more confident with the trust your superiors had in you. Ladies, in your current relationship, it may have taken 6 months before he saw you without makeup. Many of you would sacrifice split ends by refusing to wear a scarf to bed. You were also highly interested in your physical appearance. Many times he would have to call you back after your workout was complete. Ultimately as you became comfortable you adopted the attitude of "what you see is what you get" or "love me as I am." Now he gets to see the "real you" too often. He is horrified as he watches you shop at Walmart in the same scarf you slept in, and the workouts have all but disappeared as the person that was presented to him has become "more to love" Men are just as guilty. We enter relationships with major life goals and business plans that make promises of a prosperous future. We tap into our former athletic selves and make every attempt to keep that young man alive by spending hours in the gym. We date, bring flowers, provide romantic interludes, and commit to providing the desired love language. What happens? After getting comfortable, we have now embraced the "Dad bod." We assume our presence alone is a blessing. We only buy flowers on birthdays, and we isolate ourselves inside our caves. Let this be a lesson if you do not have the fortitude to maintain the attributes of the representative, do not send him. However, some of us need to go back and become the representative we sent. Look back at the pics of your 1st date, your wedding, or your first week on the job.

Is that person 20 pounds lighter?

Is that person clean-cut or displaying a beautiful mane?

If so, you are guilty of false advertising.

The person you originally presented is who that person chose. So, whose fault is it if he or she appears disappointed with the current product? Do not take this to extremes; looks will fade as we age and our hair gets grey. However, I am referring to a desire and action to still provide others with the "best" you as often as you can. Find that representative and become that representative. You did it once, you can do it again.

Remember, comfort is the friend of mediocrity and the enemy of progression.

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Cat DuBose
Cat DuBose

So True! Great


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