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Multigenerational Transference

Dr. Darren DuBose, Sr

We all have been raised with what can be called a moral compass. This is usually established by the rules set forth by our parents in their household. Subconsciously we adopted most if not all of their belief system and we carry it forth into adulthood, which is called multigenerational transference. Every adult has come to a point where they stop themselves and say "I sound just like my parents."

This transfer of ideologies has just as many negative effects as positive effects. The dysfunction, prejudices, and manipulative nature of some households will only relay those ideas to generations that come after.

We have all seen the postcards of lynchings with young white children smiling and posing for the photo. In fact, history shows that white children were taken out of school in order to view a lynching or a barbecue (signifying the burning of a black person) as if it was a circus or a special occasion.

The same holds true for our creators of American democracy. History shows that our first three American presidents owned slaves. The one who owned the most slaves , upwards of 600, became one of the primary architects of the Bill of Rights, Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson who publicly spoke out against slavery lived a hypocritical lifestyle while impregnation a female slave Sally Hemings six times starting at the age of 14!

Abraham Lincoln who became famous for freeing the slaves was ultimately concerned about the union rather than the abolishing of slavery:

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the union without freeing any slaves I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would "

Abraham Lincoln

When looking at transgenerational transferrence how are we to feel when knowing that the individuals who wrote the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights did so with a supremist mindset that saw black people as less than human?

Are we to believe that there was a sudden change of consciousness when it became time to write these extremely important documents?

The real history, not HIS story depicts a country that has a multigenerational transference that involves dehumanization, colonization, and egregious abuse.

When it is time to heal from our past misteps, the first step is admitting there was indeed a problem. This is why AA has individuals introduce themselves as alcoholics. This is the launching point toward recovery.

How is this country suppose to heal if we continually run from the truth?

Everytime a politician attempts to erase slavery by privatizing education and removing accounts from the history books we move further away from the beginning of healing.

As long as we depict Thanksgiving as a dinner between differing cultures and hide the raping, killing, and pillaging of Native Americans we move further away from healing.

As long as we ignore that the inception of many of our current agencies were built on a foundation of evil , such as the police department being former slave patrols or the HOA primarily being used to shut blacks out of certain neighborhoods we can't begin to heal.

As sad as it may sound, we are not surprised by the sudden rise on antisemitic and Palestinian attacks because this country has been built on a lack of tolerance and the desire to harm and kill what is different.

This is a "wake up" blog entry!

Just as we walk, talk, and act like our parents and grandparents so do the people who were immersed in cultures of supremacy and hate. Our past is not that far behind us. Your job is to stay "woke" True knowledge serves to protect us from repeating our mistakes.



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