Confirmation Bias is when our brains actively seek out supporting facts, information, and acquaintances that fall in line with our preconceptions. We often strengthen our beliefs by building a foundation of support from various sources. If a person believes in the need for more stringent gun control laws, they may lean toward a more liberal media source. An individual who leans toward more intensive abortion restrictions may be more apt to be attracted to a more conservative media outlet.
As it is denoted by the title, bias tends to drown out objectivity and pushes us in the direction of silos. If your confirmation bias sees all men as unfaithful and controlling your brain will seek out facts that confirm the belief. In essence, your bias has blinded you to the possibility that good men exist, and you are simply waiting for the "shoe to drop." If we assume that all white people carry the draconian and cruel tendencies of their colonizing ancestors, we will never open ourselves up to the possibility of white friends.
Blinders are only good for horses as they help to keep them focused and eliminate the distractions around them. When we place blinders on we eliminate the positivity input can bring.
The limitations that confirmation bias creates in our social relationships cause us to socialize only with those who agree with our ideas, thereby placing us in an echo chamber where our beliefs are repeated and reinforced. Being around individuals who share such similarities ultimately stunts our growth.
This concept also sets the groundwork for future interactions. If your mind has bought into the belief that nothing goes your way, it will compile information to give the appearance that a situation or experience is negative.
If your brain has bought into imposter syndrome you will bomb the job interview as every fact that has been compiled to prove you don't belong is manifested in your actions.
If you start to believe you are never chosen or worthy of being chosen, you will subliminally build a case to feed that tattered self-concept which sabotages any positive possibility.
“The biases we have adopted throughout ourme are stereotypical roadmaps that guide us down paths of monotony. By closing off our minds to oppositive beliefs, different social crowds, and different environments, we have missed opportunities to be shaped or reshaped as we mature. We amputate ourselves from the opportunity of new relationships and have placed others into a box that keeps them imprisoned in our concept of them.”
Dr. Darren L. DuBose Sr.
Confirmation bias can have positive effects if your mind has faith and is convinced of your personal talents and abilities. In other words, if you believe you can, your mind will continually find proof that you can, and ultimately, you will.
So how do we curtail or eliminate the negative aspects of confirmation bias?
1. We have to climb out of our silos and spend time with people who may share different beliefs. By seeking to understand their point of view as opposed to debating it, we will ultimately gain facts that do not align with yours creating more objectivity.
2. We also need to listen to those who know us and can give us honest criticism. Embracing the positive things, they say about us will reinforce a positive bias toward our abilities while embracing their criticisms will start to give us balance.
3. Most importantly, we have to be purposeful about seeing every situation, transaction, and relationship as autonomous of all previous interactions. We cannot drag old preconceptions and beliefs into new situations. This takes a strong commitment to challenge negative thoughts and trauma triggers. The only way we ever will reset our mindset is through intentionality. Every new person deserves a new starting line and the freedom to not be judged against your past.
Start today! Challenge the very foundations you have developed over your lifetime while opening up the exchange of differing ideas regarding others and yourself and watch yourself flourish as you become more open-minded.