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Dr. Darren DuBose, Sr


Updated: Aug 28, 2022

The word prepare is derived from the Latin word prae, meaning before, and parare, meaning make or ready. Thereby the meaning of prepare means to get ready before. The key part of this commonly used word is the prefix "pre." Many of us could benefit greatly from utilizing this prefix more often.

Can any of you attribute some of our failures to this prefix?

For instance, "I wasn't successful at my job or my marriage because I wasn't prepared for the obstacles or the difficulties that would arise. "

As the saying goes, "success is where preparation meets opportunity."

Why have we stopped preparing? Even in our maturity, we have failed to "get ready before " trivial or important things in our life.

The military does an excellent job of foreseeing and therefore preparing for every situation. The military is staffed 24 hours daily (someone is always on alert), even while in garrison. Every exercise, every weapon, and every inoculation is preparation for what can happen.

They stay ready, so they don't have to get ready.

Shouldn't we have the same mindset of being ready for whatever comes? We send our kids to preschool to prepare them for kindergarten. Athletes train to prepare their bodies for punishment. However, many times we just simply approach a situation leisurely or do not give our best effort in anticipation. I'm not sure if we fail to embrace the importance of certain situations or if we have become so accustomed to flying by the seat of our pants that it has become habitual. When we approach life like this, we inevitably become wasteful. A simple trip to the grocery or department store can easily become an unanticipated debt if we haven't created a list or budget. As we all know, in today's economy, the smallest economic misstep is hard to recover from.

I am convinced that if we pre-pare we can pre-vent ourselves from situations that we should have pre-conceived and could cause us not to pre-vail. It should be our desire to pre-sent ourselves in a positive light as a pre-lude for our trustworthiness so we can pre-side in places of success. Take pre-caution with those that pre-tend to pre-vail while instead connecting with those that pre-clude their pre-sentations with pre-dated pre-paration . If you fail to pre-pare you will continue to fulfill pre-conceptions. Are others pre-sumptuous of who you are due to pre-conceptions, or have you just failed to pre-pare, and your actions have pre-cluded who you are

First impressions are usually a pre-lude to future behaviors


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