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Dr. Darren DuBose, Sr

Proverbs 31:1-9

Yes, you read that correctly. We often refer to the Proverbs 31 Woman, but many times, we skip over verses 1-9. In the first portion of this oft referred to text there is a charge toward men. King Lemuel's mother speaks to him as a King and reminds him of his charge and his expected behaviors.

In summary she says the following:

a. Do not waste your time chasing women who can cause your downfall.

b. Do not become obsessed with alcohol because it will cause you to easily forget the rules of law.

c. Seek to give justice to those who have been oppressed or maligned.

d. As a King you should not seek alternative methods to forget your distress because this is a sign of weakness.

e. Be a sponsor for those whose opinion is not respected.

f. Always protect and provide for those who are poor or helpless.

These charges and requirements for men are provided as an antecedent to the Proverbs 31 Woman. It would lead one to believe that one deserves the next or one should not expect the other unless they possess these qualities. So as a man we are called to focus upon pouring our strength out for the purpose of helping others while not engaging in recreational things that may sidetrack us from our call.


1. As a man have you learned to resist the temptation of women who do not share your progressive thoughts? Women, has your man learned to focus upward instead of being drawn away by his own desires?

2. Men have you strengthened yourself to avoid a life of recreation so you can focus upon your goals? Women, is the man in your life correctly balanced, focusing on business before pleasure?

3. Men have you used your strength and influence to help others? Women, has your man displayed a kind, giving, and compassionate spirit?

4. Men, do you face your problems head on instead of finding ways to distract yourself from your pain? Women is the man in your life steadfast and ready to face all adversity?

5. Men, are you a free giver and does your heart feel sorrow for the less fortunate? Women, does the man in your life practice the principles of freely giving of his time, talents, and resources to better those in need?

Quite simply, are you a Proverbs 31 Man? Do you have a Proverbs 31 Man?


Pray for those you love that they may obtain the Proverbs 31 spirit this spirit and to avoid pitfalls that will hinder their upward progress. Also pray for women who may be wasting precious time in a relationship with a man that does not strive for or possess these credentials. If a relationship is looking toward permanency, each person deserves to experience the qualities that are outlined in Proverbs 31.


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Jan 11, 2024

Great read bro!


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