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Dr. Darren DuBose, Sr


Good morning 3M,

Have you ever stopped to think that life is a series of hoops we must navigate through in order to progress? When we were younger, we were told that to be successful; we had to get a high school diploma. Among adults ages 25 and older, 61% of Asian Americans, 42% of White adults, 28% of Black adults, and 21% of Hispanic adults have a bachelor’s degree or more education. . Although the number of degreed Americans has increased, many have expressed they simply cannot afford education. In 2022, it appears imperative to have at least a Bachelor’s Degree to stay above water financially. Among adults without a bachelor’s degree, Hispanic adults (52%) were more likely than those who are White (39%) or Black (41%) to say a major reason they didn’t graduate from a four-year college is that they couldn’t afford it.

Each level or each hoop we are expected to jump through comes with its own cost financially, emotionally, and physically. Unfortunately, many of us have become content with avoiding the rat race. We have become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Learning to go along to get along will only guarantee a life of mediocrity.

Comfort and contentment are the enemies of progress, and consistency will destroy mediocrity.

Our society is created to only award the strongest and hungriest. Turning your back on the hoops that you should be jumping through only guarantees there will be one less person in the competition. We work five days per week, and then we decide we owe ourselves some rest and time to be void of productivity. However, if you don’t own your own business, you have spent 40 hours on someone else’s vision, and when it is time to work for yourself, you decide just to shut down.

A vision without a plan is just a dream, and a plan without action is simply a display of wasted potential.

The statistics mentioned earlier can be looked at in two different ways. You can say the unaffordability of college is your reality and accept it, which means you have turned your back on another hoop, or you can look at it as another obstacle on your track to success.

In other words, your mindset is the only difference between an explanation and an excuse.

Remember this, Excuses are tools of incompetence used to build bridges to nowhere and monuments of nothingness, and those who use them seldom specialize in anything else.

We must approach every hoop or obstacle as a necessary part of our progression. Giving up is too easy; successful people push through, jump over, or destroy the obstacles that stand in their way.

So your charge for today is to give your dreams a vision, give your vision a plan, and give your plan movement.

I’m not telling you to stop dreaming; I’m telling you to wake up and put it in motion.

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Cat DuBose
Cat DuBose
Aug 03, 2022

Great read! Encourag

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Thanks so much 😁


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