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Dr. Darren DuBose, Sr

The Return

I heard something simple but profound the other day, it was said that the gym gives you the exact return for what you put into it. In other words you get 100% return for your efforts, nothing more and nothing less. Ultimately we realize that life is often unfair in that regard. Those who give so much of themselves are only asked to give more while receiving a minimal percentage of repayment. The excessive giving of one person not only spoils the receiver but creates an intensified hunger for more.

Something we can all depend on is the energy you put into the atmosphere will ultimately be reciprocated. Your negative energy, complaints, selfishness, and negativity will eventually get returned. Your negative energy sets a negative atmosphere and ultimately a negative environment.

Think twice next time before you criticize first and compliment last, before you focus on what has not happened instead of the strides that have happened, before you suck the energy out of a situation because your own selfishness has not been satisfied, and before you see the glass half empty instead of half full.

Today be determined in releasing positive vibes so you can get a positive return or you just may see a reduction in people who choose to be around you.

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